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Black-Eyed Beans

Doliques À Oeil Noir

Black eyed peas, also known as cowpeas, black-eyed beans, or goat peas, are a bean grown throughout the world. Records show that the bean was brought to the West Indies by enslaved West Africans as early as 1674.

Black eyed peas are a rich source of complex carbs, which take longer to digest than simple carbs, provide energy and fiber, and help with weight loss.

Black eyed peas contain antioxidants like flavonoids, which help the body fight disease. The fiber in black eyed peas helps the body absorb flavonoids and other helpful nutrients.The vitamins and minerals in black eyed peas provide significant health benefits. For instance, vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting, making it important for people taking blood thinners.


Doliques À Oeil Noir